3is Inclusiveness Workshop in Ethiopia
The 3is Workshop on Inclusiveness of Higher Education, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 21st & 22nd, 2024, and led by the University of Girona (UdG) and the University of Gondar has been a remarkable event filled with reflective discussions and cooperative endeavors.
On Day 1, the workshop began with a courtesy call to the participating Consortium members, chaired by Yenesew Alene Belew and Solomon Lingerih from the University of Gondar (UoG), which included an institutional welcome and introduction to the workshops. This was followed by a session on the framework for higher education inclusiveness, chaired by Dr. Adugna Abebe (UoG), where participants discussed the applicability and benefits of the inclusiveness framework in higher education. The discussions continued with guidelines for self-assessment and the design of future action plans, chaired by Carol Puyaltó from the University of Girona. Each participant reflected on existing inclusiveness practices and refined their self-assessment and design for enhancement. The afternoon sessions included discussions on the inclusiveness of higher education through curriculum design, pedagogy, research, and management, chaired by Dr. Adugna Abebe (UoG), and a discussion on the practice of including disability, gender, ethnicity, religion, technology, and health, chaired by Dr. Edgar Ndubi from Kenyatta University (KU).

On Day 2, participants examined the barriers and supportive practices of inclusion in schools and universities, chaired by Dr. Adugna Abebe (UoG). The discussions then moved to inclusion at higher education, chaired by Carol Puyaltó (UdG), where participants explored the transition to employment and employability of graduates with disabilities and the inclusive strategies used by universities. This session was followed by a brainstorming and planning actions for enhancing inclusiveness in higher education institutions, chaired by Dr. Edgar Ndubi (KU). The day concluded with a closing session, chaired by Jaume Guia (UdG), Dr. Adugna Abebe and Yenesew Alene Belew (UoG) for all the Consortium members present, where participants shared final reflections and suggestions for the project’s next steps.
Overall, the 3is Workshop on Inclusiveness of Higher Education was a truly collaborative event. It was a platform where all participants were actively involved in reflective dialogues and joint efforts, making it a remarkable and inclusive experience.